Creates a package
Name | Description |
catalogName | Name of the catalogE.g. 'cat' |
comments | E.g. 'A String' |
dbms | Logical expression of database type(s) on which the change must be applied. Valid database type names are listed on the supported databases page
It can be a comma separated list of multiple databases.
Or You can also specify that a change is NOT applicable to a particular database type by prefixing with ! . The keywords all and none are also available.@ v3.1E.g. 'h2, oracle' |
encoding | Name of the encoding (as specified in java.nio.Charset javadoc) used in the file defined in the `path` attributeDefault: 'utf-8' |
packageName | Name of the package to dropE.g. 'A String' |
[XML: text content] / packageText | E.g. 'A String'Note: the content of the tag in XML |
path | File containing the procedure text. Either this attribute or a nested procedure text is required.E.g. 'com/example/my-logic.sql' |
[XML: text content] / procedureText | E.g. 'CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE testHello IS BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Hello From The Database!'); END;'Note: the content of the tag in XML |
relativeToChangelogFile | booleanWhether the file path is relative to the root changelog file rather than to the classpath. |
replaceIfExists | boolean |
schemaName | Name of the schemaE.g. 'public' |
Database | Notes | Auto Rollback |
DB2/LUW | Supported | No |
DB2/z | Supported | No |
Derby | Supported | No |
Firebird | Supported | No |
H2 | Supported | No |
HyperSQL | Supported | No |
INGRES | Supported | No |
Informix | Supported | No |
MariaDB | Supported | No |
MySQL | Supported | No |
Oracle | Supported | No |
PostgreSQL | Supported | No |
SQL Server | Supported | No |
SQLite | Supported | No |
Sybase | Supported | No |
Sybase Anywhere | Supported | No |