Name | Description |
baseColumnNames | Name of column(s) to place the foreign key constraint on. Comma-separate if multipleE.g. 'person_id' |
baseTableCatalogName | Catalog name of the base table@ v3.0E.g. 'cat' |
baseTableName | Name of the table containing the column to constraintE.g. 'address' |
baseTableSchemaName | Schema name of the base tableE.g. 'public' |
constraintName | Name of the new foreign key constraintE.g. 'fk_address_person' |
deferrable | booleanIs the foreign key deferrableSupported by: oracle, postgresql, sqlite |
initiallyDeferred | booleanIs the foreign key initially deferredSupported by: oracle, postgresql, sqlite |
onDelete | ON DELETE functionality. Possible values: 'CASCADE', 'SET NULL', 'SET DEFAULT', 'RESTRICT', 'NO ACTION'Supported by: asany, db2, db2z, derby, firebird, h2, hsqldb, informix, ingres, mariadb, mssql, mysql, oracle, postgresql@ v2.0E.g. 'CASCADE' |
onUpdate | ON UPDATE functionality. Possible values: 'CASCADE', 'SET NULL', 'SET DEFAULT', 'RESTRICT', 'NO ACTION'E.g. 'RESTRICT' |
referencedColumnNames | Column(s) the foreign key points to. Comma-separate if multipleE.g. 'id' |
referencedTableCatalogName | Schema name of the referenced table@ v3.0E.g. 'cat' |
referencedTableName | Name of the table the foreign key points toE.g. 'person' |
referencedTableSchemaName | Schema name of the referenced table@ v3.0E.g. 'public' |
referencesUniqueColumn | boolean |
validate | booleanShall be true if the foreign key should 'ENABLE VALIDATE' set, or false if the foreign key should 'ENABLE NOVALIDATE' set.@ v3.6Default: true |