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Liquibase uses the DATABASECHANGELOG table to track which changeSets have been run.

The table tracks each changeSet as a row, identified by a combination of the “id”, “author”, and “filename” columns.

There is no primary key on the table. This is to avoid any database-specific restrictions on key lengths. The composite of “id”, “author”, and “filename” is unique across all rows of the table.

ColumnStandard Data TypeDescription
IDVARCHAR(255)Value from the changeSet "id" attribute
AUTHORVARCHAR(255)Value from the changeSet "author" attribute
FILENAMEVARCHAR(255)Path to the changelog. This may be an absolute path or a relative path depending on how the changelog was passed to Liquibase. For best results, it should be a relative path. The `logicalFilePath` attribute can be used [on the changelog](/documentation/databasechangelog.html) or [on individual changeSets](/documentation/changeset.html).
DATEEXECUTEDDATETIMEDate/time of when the changeSet was executed. Used with ORDEREXECUTED to determine rollback order
ORDEREXECUTEDINTOrder that the changeSets were executed. Used in addition to DATEEXECUTED to ensure order is correct even when the databases datetime supports poor resolution.

NOTE: The values are only guaranteed to be increasing within an individual update run. There are times where they will restart at zero.
EXECTYPEVARCHAR(10)Description of how the changeSet was executed. Possible values include "EXECUTED", "FAILED", "SKIPPED", "RERAN", and "MARK_RAN"
MD5SUMVARCHAR(35)Checksum of the changeSet when it was executed. Used on each run to ensure there have been no unexpected changes to changeSet in the changelog file.
DESCRIPTIONVARCHAR(255)Short auto-generated human readable description of changeSet
COMMENTSVARCHAR(255)Value from the changeSet "comment" attribute
TAGVARCHAR(255)Tracks which changeSets correspond to tag operations.
LIQUIBASEVARCHAR(20)Version of Liquibase used to execute the changeSet
CONTEXTSVARCHAR(255)Context(s) used to execute the changeSet
LABELSVARCHAR(255)Label(s) used to execute the changeSet
DEPLOYMENT_IDVARCHAR(10)Changesets deployed together will have the same unique identifier